Parisian Literary Salon

creating community through reading and discussing literature

December Update Paris & London based Salons

Filed under: Upcoming Events — toby at 4:36 pm on Monday, November 8, 2010

December Salons
In London
* The Glass Menagerie Thursday Evenings December 2nd- 16th two places available

In Paris

* Dead Souls Saturday December 11th 5-10 PM FULL *Everyman’s Library edition (trans. Richard Pevear, Larissa Volkhonsky)

* White Teeth by Zadie Smith Sunday December 12th 5:30-10 pm two places available

January Salons in London

*Each of the following runs for five weeks starting the first week of January; cost is 60 £ (includes supplemental materials). To register, send an email to and I will send you the details to confirm your participation. These Salons are filling up so please confirm your participation soon. I am also looking ahead…Ulysses is going to wait until 2012 but The Divine Commedia? Or Faulkner? Woolf? Dickens? Please send your requests for future Salons.

KING LEAR by William Shakespeare Tuesdays 1-3 PM FULL
KING LEAR by William Shakespeare Tuesdays 8-10PM
White Teeth by Zadie Smith Thursdays 8-10 PM

Paris based Salons November and December

Filed under: Upcoming Events — toby at 3:14 pm on Thursday, November 4, 2010

“To think that we have at our disposal the biggest thing in the universe and that it is language. What one can do with language is infinite.” Helene Cixous, French Philosopher/Feminist

“Listen. Put on morning. Waken into falling light.”

- W.S. Graham, Scottish poet

As I finish two wonderful Salons here in London, I am freshly aware how the language and experiences of the characters in these works we study help us to understand our own existence: provide a broader canvas for our individual struggles and disappointments, our victories and fears. Each Salon brings together a diverse and fresh group of participants in the face of a book that calls us to the deep parts of ourselves. As we work towards a complex understanding of the text, my own relationships, ideas, history and perspectives sharpen. Studying Absalom, Absalom and Beloved in London brought the voices of Paris participants from previous Salons into the room as the London group added to the work we had done in the past.

There are fewer Salons in Paris and these are in the intensive five-hour format—but each of these studies has proven to be inspiring with that concentration of energy. NOW is the time to sign up for the coming Salons. The cost is 45 euro for the five hour study (includes axillary materials). The King Lear study in particular will give you a through understanding of this play for future performances. As a Salon member wrote last week:

“Just saw an amazing Russian production (we are celebrating Russia all over the place here in Paris) of Hamlet which had me sobbing at the end. As I walked out of the theatre I thought to myself, “I never would have been to enjoy this to the extent I did without the work I did with Toby.”

November Salons

* King Lear Friday November 26th 6-10:30 PM: five places available
* White Teeth by Zadie Smith Sunday November 28 4-8:30 pm two places available

December Salons

* Dead Souls Saturday December 11th 5-10 PM two places available *Everyman’s Library edition (trans. Richard Pevear, Larissa Volkhonsky)

* Beloved Sunday December 12th 4-8:30 pm six places available

Descriptions for the books can be found on the website under “What might we read”…

To register for these Salons and pay by euro cheque (45 euro for the five hour study), send me an email confirming your participation and I will send you further details and the address to which to post the cheque. I look forward to our exuberant work together…

And for those interested, here is the link for my October publication in the Nth position on-line magazine (better for surfing then the news these days…)

I welcome and would love to share other literary news and publication from Salon members…keep it coming!